"As a child, I was always enamored by the ocean—the cool, salty breeze; the vast blue waves; the tiny, collectible seashells. I also dreamed of what lay beyond the horizon—a fantasy life of swashbuckling, sea shanties, sirens, treasure, and mystery.
Back on land, I was also enamored by horses: the majesty of them, the speed, and the possibilities—the promise of wide, rolling plains, of wind in my hair, of new paths to take, of new places with new cultures, and of discovery.
The Ocean and Horses: a free, Vagabond life."
— Raqui ()
- Type: Fountain Pen
- Body Material: Resin
- Cap Type: Screw, with Sealing Mechanism to keep the nib wet
- Filling Mechanism: Vacuum / Piston Filler
- Nib Material: German Jowo #6 Stainless Steel